Trying to use this as a bridge/repeater, please help
I wanted to use this to 'capture' my landlord's shared wi-fi and act as a fail-over to my internet connection that is run through a router that has 2 WAN ports, I just don't know if this one, in particular, does it or not. I have an older smart router with Zigbee and that one does work the way I wanted it to, but the connection I get is pretty slow (less than 10Mbps) but I know for a fact that the network I wanted to connect the Archer AXE5400 to runs typically closer to 100Mbps if not more. I just don't know how to do it on this router or if this router in particular doesn't support that kind of function.
In context this is a rough diagram of what I wanted done:
Landlord's ISP (Fail-over/aggregate source) My own ISP (Main source of internet)
I (Wireless) I (Wired)
Archer AXE5400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Router with 2 WAN ports - - - - - - - - - - - - Home devices etc - - - - - - - - The internet!!
(Wired through LAN1)
There's no way for a wired connection between the landlords and the archer unit as the actual router from the landlord is housed at a different unit from mine.
Any help is appreciated.