Router Stops Downloading at 2 GB for any file
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Router Stops Downloading at 2 GB for any file
Аппаратная версия устройства: TL-MR100 v1 00000001
Версия встроенного ПО: 1.4.0 0.9.1 v0001.0 Build 210601 Rel.32393n
Тип сети: 4G - Уверенный прием
Модель модема: TL-MR100
Описание проблемы: Checked for multiple files, the downloading stops at 2 GB.
The speed changes to 0KBPS after 2 GB.
Checked for multiple devices ( laptop/ mobile) issue persists.
I have connected the Ethernet cable directly from ISP modem and there is no issue with downloading files beyond 2GB.