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Forums/ Tapo App & Integrations
2024-03-31 17:12:58
Improvements to Cameras screen?
Could we please get some improvements to the Cameras tab/screen? A current snapshot of each active camera when you enter the screen would be useful. Move the inactive cameras (those in privacy mode)...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-03-31 16:55:15
Re:Activity Zones for Person Detection (D130)?
@Riley_S Unfortunately, the D130 has proven to be quite useless for me so far without this. Can I trade up for a C120?
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-03-14 16:06:15
Re:Activity Zones for Person Detection (D130)?
@Riley_S Any word on either of these? Thanks.
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-02-24 18:48:11
Re:Activity Zones for Person Detection (Tapo D130)
I just purchased a C425 camera and see that it is possible to set Activity Zones for each detection type. Please add this capability for the D130.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-02-15 20:35:08
Re:Activity Zones for Person Detection (D130)?
@Riley_S I created a feature request here: Thanks.
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-02-15 20:33:12
Activity Zones for Person Detection (Tapo D130)
Please add a way to set Activity Zones for Person detection. My D130 doorbell detects people walking by on the sidewalk even with the sensitivity set to the lowest (1). I am not sure why the...