Archer 200 5GHz wireless Secured No internet

Archer 200 5GHz wireless Secured No internet

Archer 200 5GHz wireless Secured No internet
Archer 200 5GHz wireless Secured No internet
2 weeks ago
Model: Archer MR200  
Hardware Version: V6
Firmware Version:

I bought a Archer MR200 and put a Three mobile SIM and mobile phones and a Amazon Prime TV stick connected on 5GHz wireless no issue. My Windows 10 laptop associated with the AP and obtained an IP address but reported no internet access. However, if I switch to 2.4GHz my laptop has no issue. 


If I associate at 5GHz and obtain an IP address then my laptop is capable of 5GHz wireless so why no internet access? 

1 Reply
Re:Archer 200 5GHz wireless Secured No internet
a week ago



Hi, what does it mean that your Windows 10 laptop associated with the AP and obtained an IP address ?

Does your laptop connect to the 5Ghz wifi band directly?

Can you share the 5Ghz wireless settings on the  router web interface?

Please make sure you are using the latest firmware version.

