Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера

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Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера

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117 Ответить
Re: Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера
2012-01-08 03:25:48
[quote="Kaliostro"]...Замечено, что чем больше http-трафика через роутер, тем скорее отказывает веб-интерфейс!...[/quote] Ага и когда этого трафика нет он тоже отказывает, я имею ввиду интерфейс. К примеру ночь, "...мертвые с косами стоят...", ни одного компа ни работает, а он (роутер) все ровно виснет, вот же... Вобщем не занимаетесь глупостями, найти причину зависания вам не под силу, это знаете-ли нечто не уловимое. У меня этот роутер уже пол года, за это время народ столько предположений высказал и до сих пор ни одного четкого, а значит и правильного решения.
Re: Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера
2012-01-08 15:32:33
В старых прошивках неправильно работает "Forwarding", что для моего типа соединения неприемлемо (у меня 2 IP-адреса: локальный+PPTP).
Re: Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера
2012-01-09 19:59:32
В старых прошивках неправильно работает "Forwarding", что для моего типа соединения неприемлемо (у меня 2 IP-адреса: локальный+PPTP).[/quote]
Да, заметил, что IP TV и локалку не могу настроить. Т.е. стал настраивать Forwarding (делал как обычно) - выдает ошибку. В общем забил.... Пока на первом месте - то что он не зависает. Подождем новой прошивки.
Re: Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера
2012-01-09 23:34:21
My name is Marcin. This is my first post here. I'm sorry that i do noy type in Russian, but i do not know this language, and i do not want to "brake" it with translators. I find this forum by searching for my problem, that i have with TL-WR1043ND since i bought it last year. The problem is, periodically it hangs, and WWW panel stop to work. I contacted with TP-Link support, but for my country, there is no TP-Link support at all, and outside i didn't get any help. I start to read Your forum for few days now, and i think i got similar problem. I would like to maybe help, if i can, and share with You all the informations i got. Maybe they can help You. Forst some information about my network:

I live in Poland, my ISP is "Dialog". I got Speedstream 4100 modem, which i connect with my 1043ND. I use PPPoE connection. I receive dynamic IP and DNS setings from DHCP at connection. This is my home network topology: After 3 to 7 days router freezed witht his symtopms:
- internet connection lost
- no DHCP on LAN/WiFi interface
- router respond on ping correctly!
- when trying to load www panel there is only blank page, but it asks for login/pass
- i can;t ping device from WAN side, and i can;t connect with it from outside (i'm trying to connect because i opened panel for remote IPs).

I use: WAN port: PPPoE (dialog telecom poland), using login and password, Connect Automatically. No secondary connection,
WPA-PSK (AES encryption) with password,
Channel is 10,
MAC filtering is disabled,
Wierelss advanced option are default (transmit power high, beacon 100, RTS 2346, same fragmentation, DTIM 1, Enable WMM),
DHCP Enabled from up to,
5 or 6 clients usually use the router,
Address reservation for 3 hosts (, and,
USB status stopped (i donot have anything connected),
FTP stopped and disabled,
Media server stopped,
User account left default (for ftp/media server),
Virtual servers: none,
Port triggering: none,
DMZ enabled, for,
UPnP Enabled (about 10 redirects),
Basic security: everything enabled,
Advanced security (left default): DoS Protection disabled,
Local menagment: all,
Remote managment: on port 80,
Parental control: disabled,
Access control rule/host/target/shedule: disabled,
Advanced routing: didn;t touch anything,
Bandwich control: Enabled, Line type: ADSL (512kbps upload, 2048kbps download), 1 rule for, Egress: Min25/Max312.Ingress:Min25/Max1024 adn Enabled --- But when Bandwich controll was disabled, router also freezed sometimes (usually after 2-3 days of workin),
IP&MAC binding: didn;t touch anything,
Dynamic DNS: No-IP, Enable DDNS: yes, for lunaris.sytes.net domain name,
System Tools:
Time zone: use 1 IP for time server:, GMT+2 (we use GMT+1 but when i set it up then it shows wrong hour, there is now time zone for warsaw :(:(:( ),
The firmware version i firstly had this problem was 3.13.4 Build 110429 Rel.36959n, my hardware version is 1.8.
After few months, i try new versions, but with same result. Finally i gave back router on a warranty, because i didn;t know there is more people with same problem. I received completely new unit, with newest firmware on polish website "3_13_4". Well after 3 days, same problem. This was moment when i knew problem is not with hardware, but software inside.

Because i was using WRT5GL router from Linksys with DD-WRt inside i try DD-WRT. But it failed in many areas. My another try was Gargoyle (OpenWRT based). It have some problems, but with most problematic ones i deal myself, and it works from 12 days now for me, without freeze or any problem like that! :) But still OpenWRT drivers got some problems with 802.11n and 300Mb speed, so i would prefer theofficial firmware.

And here is the informations i would like to share with developers and anyone from support:
Please share version with SSH enabled, so testers can use logread, dmesg, and other utils to find problem, diagnose it, and give you results to help. With those possibilities, i diagnosed my problem with OpenWRT, and made some fixes, i would like to help with TL-WR1043ND too, but i need options to do it, in safe way, and i know it;s possible, it's just Linux.

Maybe there is option to configure syslog somehow, that it will send output on some LAN connected Linux mashine? I can do that then, so the log when router fail will be there.

Or maybe, i can connect some console adapter to an USB and it will work? I think there is many people who can help, but we need tools for that :)

Thank You, and sorry again that alien like me appear here. I know that it's not nice, but it is only TP-Link support forum that i found. Also i must say i admire this, You guys make something best in all world TP-Link support. Really great work, and thank You for that!

Best Regards, and greetings.

Update: just installed current build of gargoyle, and upnp is fixed, also it;s easy to fix problem with some dnsmasq, so it's almost fine release, just don;t know abour 300Mb problem and DMZ, i'll check it later.
Re: Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера
2012-01-10 07:15:08
I hope the translation will not break the meaning of the message. This problem is common for owners of the router. Installing third-party firmware is the only alternative at this time. Unfortunately, there are additional difficulties. For example, low data rate of Wi fi, poor IPTV, etc. At the moment I think the installation of Open-WRT and the right package is the best variant. The latest versions of DD-WRT offers new features, but suffer from instability. I put the Gargoyle firmware two days ago and I can not say anything about it yet. Alternatively, try the test version of the firmware, such as these:
- A test firmware against freezes.
I can say in my case, that does not work, and friezes remained. We hope that the developers lay out a new firmware, as amended on the basis of our observations in the near future. But this "soon" runs with the release of the router on the market.
Re: Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера
2012-01-11 18:16:07
[quote="nicram"]Please share version with SSH enabled, so testers can use logread, dmesg, and other utils to find problem, diagnose it, and give you results to help. With those possibilities, i diagnosed my problem with OpenWRT, and made some fixes, i would like to help with TL-WR1043ND too, but i need options to do it, in safe way, and i know it;s possible, it's just Linux.

Maybe there is option to configure syslog somehow, that it will send output on some LAN connected Linux mashine? I can do that then, so the log when router fail will be there.

Or maybe, i can connect some console adapter to an USB and it will work? I think there is many people who can help, but we need tools for that[/quote]
Hello! Now the only way to get logs from console with SSH is serial connection from router to PC. But it's need hardware modification and data-cable from nokia or samsung mobil phone. Here is instruction with pictures, but russian language.

P.S.: And it's means that you lost warranty. ;)
Re: Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера
2012-01-13 06:39:02
а мне помогла 22.11.11 против "свечения" МАС адресов, System Up Time: 1 days 17:00:26 пока полёт нормальный
Re: Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера
2012-01-13 19:32:43
[quote="scream"]а мне помогла 22.11.11 против "свечения" МАС адресов, System Up Time: 1 days 17:00:26 пока полёт нормальный[/quote] А вот как - web интерфейс отваливается+зависание? В моём случае эта прошивка не помогла. Я так понимаю, помогает fws/TL-WR1043ND_V1_100427.zip эта от зависаний , но есть ошибка в роутинге.
Re: Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера
2012-01-14 08:06:26
хоть бы прошивки называли однообразно, а то читаешь и не понятно, кому что помогло, один датой назовет, другой номером билда.. Короче - стоит покупать этот роутер для NAT-подключения к Netbynet или нет?
Re: Отваливается web интерфейс через день-два работы роутера
2012-01-14 20:11:21
стоит подумать перед покупкой! серьёзнейшая проблема не фича не дополнение а банальная стабильность в работе отсутствует, как только начнёшь порядочно качать зависоны настигнут Тебя"
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