перестал работать сетевой экран (фаерволл)
перестал работать сетевой экран (фаерволл)
Посты: 22
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Решения: 0
Истории: 0
Дата регистрации: 2012-09-08
2012-10-18 09:47:05
Посты: 22
Полезный: 0
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Истории: 0
Дата регистрации: 2012-09-08
перестал работать сетевой экран (фаерволл)
2012-10-18 09:47:05
Версия прошивки: build 120320
Ваша страна: Украина
Название провайдера: Городок
Тип подключения: Static IP
Скорость по тарифу: 3 Мбит/с
Подключение с ПК по wifi или по кабелю?: Подключение с ПК по wifi
Наблюдается ли проблема при подключении без роутера?: Да
Ваша операционная система: MS Windows 7 HP x64 SP1
Антивирусные программы и фаерволы: Нет антивируса. Вся защита системы отключена.
после покупки роутера я сразу же проверил его обороноспособность на ресурсе http://www.pcflank.com/. результат был удовлетворительным, все тесты были пройдены без проблем. однако, спустя некоторое время, я снова решился пройтись по тестам и обнаружил, что не один тест не проходит с тем же результатом, как и ранее.
раньше все порты были скрыты (невидимы для снифинга), теперь же они просто закрыты и видимы для злоумышленников.
что можно в таком случае сделать с фаерволлом? или ставить сторонний фаерволл в систему?
Мы ценим Ваш отзыв. Не стесняйтесь, дайте нам знать больше. Войдите, чтобы отправить отзыв.
Мы ценим Ваш отзыв. Не стесняйтесь, дайте нам знать больше. Войдите, чтобы отправить отзыв.
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5 Ответить
Посты: 2731
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Дата регистрации: 2011-08-19
Re: перестал работать сетевой экран (фаерволл)
2012-10-30 10:54:20
[quote="S_Snake"]Аппаратная версия устройства: Ver. 4.21Закрывает всё без возможности проброса SPI Firewall. Включается в Security.
Версия прошивки: build 120320
Ваша страна: Украина
Название провайдера: Городок
Тип подключения: Static IP
Скорость по тарифу: 3 Мбит/с
Подключение с ПК по wifi или по кабелю?: Подключение с ПК по wifi
Наблюдается ли проблема при подключении без роутера?: Да
Ваша операционная система: MS Windows 7 HP x64 SP1
Антивирусные программы и фаерволы: Нет антивируса. Вся защита системы отключена.
после покупки роутера я сразу же проверил его обороноспособность на ресурсе http://www.pcflank.com/. результат был удовлетворительным, все тесты были пройдены без проблем. однако, спустя некоторое время, я снова решился пройтись по тестам и обнаружил, что не один тест не проходит с тем же результатом, как и ранее.
раньше все порты были скрыты (невидимы для снифинга), теперь же они просто закрыты и видимы для злоумышленников.
что можно в таком случае сделать с фаерволлом? или ставить сторонний фаерволл в систему?[/quote]
Мы ценим Ваш отзыв. Не стесняйтесь, дайте нам знать больше. Войдите, чтобы отправить отзыв.
Мы ценим Ваш отзыв. Не стесняйтесь, дайте нам знать больше. Войдите, чтобы отправить отзыв.
- Копировать ссылку
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Посты: 22
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Решения: 0
Истории: 0
Дата регистрации: 2012-09-08
Re: перестал работать сетевой экран (фаерволл)
2012-10-30 12:28:13
Мы ценим Ваш отзыв. Не стесняйтесь, дайте нам знать больше. Войдите, чтобы отправить отзыв.
Мы ценим Ваш отзыв. Не стесняйтесь, дайте нам знать больше. Войдите, чтобы отправить отзыв.
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Посты: 2731
Полезный: 9
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Истории: 0
Дата регистрации: 2011-08-19
Re: перестал работать сетевой экран (фаерволл)
2012-10-30 13:37:22
Мне вот, что выдало. Это хорошо?
Packet' type Status
TCP "ping" stealthed
TCP NULL stealthed
TCP FIN stealthed
TCP XMAS stealthed
UDP stealthed
Мы ценим Ваш отзыв. Не стесняйтесь, дайте нам знать больше. Войдите, чтобы отправить отзыв.
Мы ценим Ваш отзыв. Не стесняйтесь, дайте нам знать больше. Войдите, чтобы отправить отзыв.
- Копировать ссылку
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Посты: 22
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Истории: 0
Дата регистрации: 2012-09-08
Re: перестал работать сетевой экран (фаерволл)
2012-10-30 14:50:33
[quote="Dmitriy"]Я не в курсе этих тестов.да, у меня так раньше было. теперь везде
Мне вот, что выдало. Это хорошо?:D
Packet' type Status
TCP "ping" stealthed
TCP NULL stealthed
TCP FIN stealthed
TCP XMAS stealthed
UDP stealthed[/quote]
Мы ценим Ваш отзыв. Не стесняйтесь, дайте нам знать больше. Войдите, чтобы отправить отзыв.
Мы ценим Ваш отзыв. Не стесняйтесь, дайте нам знать больше. Войдите, чтобы отправить отзыв.
- Копировать ссылку
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Посты: 22
Полезный: 0
Решения: 0
Истории: 0
Дата регистрации: 2012-09-08
Re: перестал работать сетевой экран (фаерволл)
2012-11-08 15:55:18
вот результат:
Открытые порты
ssh ***.***.***.***:22 SSH Remote Login Protocol
Закрытые порты
tcpmux ***.***.***.***:1 TCP port service multiplexer
ndmp ***.***.***.***:10000 Network Data Management Protocol. Used for storage backup. Also used by Trojans.
amanda ***.***.***.***:10080 Amanda backup services
kamanda ***.***.***.***:10081 Amanda backup services (Kerberos)
amandaidx ***.***.***.***:10082 Amanda backup services
amidxtape ***.***.***.***:10083 Amanda backup services
plog ***.***.***.***:10090 PlayLink online games
hostname ***.***.***.***:101 Hostname Service
iso-tsap ***.***.***.***:102 Part of ISODE.
csnet-ns ***.***.***.***:105 Also used by CSO name server
poppassd ***.***.***.***:106 Eudora
rtelnet ***.***.***.***:107 Remote Telnet
socks ***.***.***.***:1080 Socks proxy server
pop2 ***.***.***.***:109 POP version 2
systat ***.***.***.***:11 Users
pop3 ***.***.***.***:110 POP version 3
kpop ***.***.***.***:1109 Pop with Kerberos
sunrpc ***.***.***.***:111 RPC 4.0 portmapper TCP
supfiledbg ***.***.***.***:1127 SUP debugging
auth ***.***.***.***:113 Authentication tap ident
pgpkeyserver ***.***.***.***:11371 PGP/GPG public keyserver
sftp ***.***.***.***:115 SFTP
uucp-path ***.***.***.***:117 uucp-path
h323callsigalt ***.***.***.***:11720 H323 Call Signal Alternate
skkserv ***.***.***.***:1178 SKK Japanese input method
nntp ***.***.***.***:119 USENET News Transfer Protocol
openvpn ***.***.***.***:1194 OpenVPN
ygames ***.***.***.***:11999 Yahoo Games
kazaa ***.***.***.***:1214 Kazaa peer-to-peer file sharing
ntp ***.***.***.***:123 Network Time Protocol (NTP)
italk ***.***.***.***:12345 Italk network chat. Commonly used by Trojans.
bvcontrol ***.***.***.***:1236 Gracilis Packeten remote config server
daytime ***.***.***.***:13 Date/Time Service
h323hostcallsc ***.***.***.***:1300 H323 Host Call Secure
xtel ***.***.***.***:1313 French minitel
waste ***.***.***.***:1337 InfoAnarchy WASTE peer-to-peer file sharing
rpc-em ***.***.***.***:135 RPC Endpoint Mapper
domino ***.***.***.***:1352 Lotus Notes Domino
netbios-ns ***.***.***.***:137 NETBIOS Name Service
bprd ***.***.***.***:13720 BPRD (VERITAS NetBackup)
bpdbm ***.***.***.***:13721 BPDBM (VERITAS NetBackup)
bpjava-msvc ***.***.***.***:13722 BP Java MSVC Protocol
vnetd ***.***.***.***:13724 Veritas Network Utility
bpcd ***.***.***.***:13782 VERITAS NetBackup
vopied ***.***.***.***:13783 VOPIED Protocol
netbios-dgm ***.***.***.***:138 NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-ssn ***.***.***.***:139 NETBIOS session service
Timbuktu ***.***.***.***:1417 Timbuktu remote control
Timbuktu ***.***.***.***:1418 Timbuktu remote control
Timbuktu ***.***.***.***:1419 Timbuktu remote control
Timbuktu ***.***.***.***:1420 Timbuktu remote control
palmsync ***.***.***.***:14237 Palm Computing Network Hotsync data synchronization
palmsync ***.***.***.***:14238 Palm Computing Network Hotsync data synchronization
imap ***.***.***.***:143 Interim Mail Access Proto v2
ms-sql-s ***.***.***.***:1433 Microsoft-SQL-Server
ms-sql-m ***.***.***.***:1434 Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
vtip ***.***.***.***:1490 VocalTec Internet Phone videoconferencing
ica ***.***.***.***:1494 Citrix ICA Client
netstat ***.***.***.***:15 Network Statistic
T.120 ***.***.***.***:1503 T.120 (TCP)
wins ***.***.***.***:1512 Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service
ingreslock ***.***.***.***:1524 ingreslock
prospero-np ***.***.***.***:1525 Prospero non-privileged
support ***.***.***.***:1529 GNATS, cygnus bug tracker
vpvoice ***.***.***.***:1533 Virtual Places conferencing
xsw ***.***.***.***:1558 Xing StreamWorks streaming video
ica ***.***.***.***:1604 Citrix ICA Client
snmp ***.***.***.***:161 Simple Net Mgmt Proto
cmip-man ***.***.***.***:163 ISO mgmt over IP (CMOT)
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16384 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16385 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16386 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16387 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16388 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16389 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16390 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16391 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16392 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16393 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16394 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16395 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16396 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16397 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16398 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16399 Apple iChat AV
cmip-agent ***.***.***.***:164 CMIP Agent
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16400 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16401 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16402 Apple iChat AV
rtp-ichatav ***.***.***.***:16403 Apple iChat AV
datametrics ***.***.***.***:1645 datametrics / old radius entry
sa-msg-port ***.***.***.***:1646 sa-msg-port / old radacct entry
kermit ***.***.***.***:1649 Computer file transfer/management protocol
ngw-rc ***.***.***.***:1677 Novell GroupWise (Remote Client)
qotd ***.***.***.***:17 Quote Daemon
l2tp ***.***.***.***:1701 l2fLayer 2 Tunnelling Protocol
h323gatedisc ***.***.***.***:1718 h323gatedisc
h323gatestat ***.***.***.***:1719 h323gatestat
h323hostcall ***.***.***.***:1720 H.323 host call setup
pptp ***.***.***.***:1723 PPTP Virtual Private Network (VPN)
ms-iccp ***.***.***.***:1731 Audio call control
mailq ***.***.***.***:174 MAILQ
ms-ns ***.***.***.***:1755 Microsoft Net-Show streaming video
tftp-mcast ***.***.***.***:1758 TFTP-mcast Service
xdmcp ***.***.***.***:177 X Display Mgr. Control Proto
nextstep ***.***.***.***:178 NeXTStep window
hello ***.***.***.***:1789 Hello
bgp ***.***.***.***:179 Border Gateway Proto.
msp ***.***.***.***:18 Message Send Protocol
radius ***.***.***.***:1812 Radius
radius-acct ***.***.***.***:1813 Radius Accounting
msn-msngr ***.***.***.***:1863 MSN Messenger instant messaging
liquid ***.***.***.***:18888 Liquid Audio streaming audio
chargen ***.***.***.***:19 ttytst source
prospero ***.***.***.***:191 Cliff Neuman's Prospero
mtp ***.***.***.***:1911 Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
nno ***.***.***.***:1917 Netopia netOctopus network management service
nno ***.***.***.***:1921 Netopia netOctopus network management service
irc ***.***.***.***:194 Internet Relay Chat
bbnm ***.***.***.***:1984 Big Brother network monitoring service
hsrp ***.***.***.***:1985 Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol
licensedaemon ***.***.***.***:1986 License Daemon
smux ***.***.***.***:199 SNMP Unix Multiplexer
gdp-port ***.***.***.***:1997 Cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
ftp-data ***.***.***.***:20 File Transfer Protocol Data
vidc ***.***.***.***:2000 ICU II or iSpQ videoconferencing
vidc ***.***.***.***:2001 ICU II or iSpQ videoconferencing
isdnlog ***.***.***.***:20011 ISDN logging system
vboxd ***.***.***.***:20012 Voice Box System
vidc ***.***.***.***:2002 ICU II or iSpQ videoconferencing
cfinger ***.***.***.***:2003 GNU Finger
at-rtmp ***.***.***.***:201 AppleTalk routing
at-nbp ***.***.***.***:202 AppleTalk name binding
at-echo ***.***.***.***:204 AppleTalk echo
nfs ***.***.***.***:2049 Network File System (NFS) Daemon
knetd ***.***.***.***:2053 Kerberos de-multiplexor
at-zis ***.***.***.***:206 AppleTalk zone information
dn-rc5-des ***.***.***.***:2064 Distributed.Net RC5/DES - distributed computation
qmtp ***.***.***.***:209 Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
ftp ***.***.***.***:21 File Transfer Protocol
z39.50 ***.***.***.***:210 NISO Z39.50 database
zephyr-srv ***.***.***.***:2102 Zephyr server
zephyr-clt ***.***.***.***:2103 Zephyr serv-hm connection
zephyr-hm ***.***.***.***:2104 Zephyr hostmanager
eklogin ***.***.***.***:2105 Kerberos encrypted rlogin
ipx ***.***.***.***:213 IPX
freetel ***.***.***.***:21300 FreeTel audioconferencing
freetel ***.***.***.***:21301 FreeTel audioconferencing
freetel ***.***.***.***:21302 FreeTel audioconferencing
freetel ***.***.***.***:21303 FreeTel audioconferencing
ninstall ***.***.***.***:2150 Ninstall Service
imap3 ***.***.***.***:220 Interactive Mail Access
wnn6 ***.***.***.***:22273 Wnn6, Wnn4
wnn4_Cn ***.***.***.***:22289 Used by the cWnn package
wnn4_Kr ***.***.***.***:22305 Used by the kWnn package
wnn4_Tw ***.***.***.***:22321 Used by the tWnn package
ssfs ***.***.***.***:2234 SoulSeek file sharing service
vtic ***.***.***.***:22555 VocalTec Internet Conference audio & document conferencing
telnet ***.***.***.***:23 Telnet Server
ncac ***.***.***.***:2327 Netscape Conference audioconferencing
cvspserver ***.***.***.***:2401 CVS client/server operations
cusm ***.***.***.***:24032 CU-SeeMe, Enhanced CUSM videoconferencing
venus ***.***.***.***:2430 codacon Port
venus-se ***.***.***.***:2431 TCP side effects
codasrv ***.***.***.***:2432 Coda Service
codasrv-se ***.***.***.***:2433 TCP side effects
link ***.***.***.***:245 TTY Link
binkp ***.***.***.***:24554 Binkley
smtp ***.***.***.***:25 Send Mail Server
madcap ***.***.***.***:2535 MADCAP - Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol
vtip ***.***.***.***:25793 VocalTec Internet Phone videoconferencing
netrek ***.***.***.***:2592 Netrek network game
hpstgmgr ***.***.***.***:2600 HPSTGMGR
quake ***.***.***.***:26000 Quake network game
discp-client ***.***.***.***:2601 Discp client
discp-server ***.***.***.***:2602 Discp server
servicemeter ***.***.***.***:2603 Service Meter
nsc-ccs ***.***.***.***:2604 NSC CCS
nsc-posa ***.***.***.***:2605 NSC POSA
netmon ***.***.***.***:2606 Dell Netmon
wnn6-ds ***.***.***.***:26208 Wnn6-ds
sdsa ***.***.***.***:2705 Sun SDS Admin
asp ***.***.***.***:27374 Address Search Protocol
urbisnet ***.***.***.***:2745 Urbis geolocation service. Also heavily used by Trojans
corbaloc ***.***.***.***:2809 CORBA naming service locator
afbackup ***.***.***.***:2988 Afbackup system
bidb ***.***.***.***:3050 Borland Interbase database
squid ***.***.***.***:3128 squid web proxy
icpv2 ***.***.***.***:3130 Internet Cache Protocol V2 (Squid)
isns ***.***.***.***:3205 Internet Storage Name Service
iscsi ***.***.***.***:3260 SCSI over IP
mysql ***.***.***.***:3306 MySQL relational database server
traceroute ***.***.***.***:33434 Traceroute Service
trnsprntproxy ***.***.***.***:3346 Trnsprnt Proxy
ms-rdp ***.***.***.***:3389 Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol
nlssle ***.***.***.***:3410 NetworkLens SSL Event. Also used by various Trojans
vpvc ***.***.***.***:3450 Virtual Places Voise Chat
prsvp ***.***.***.***:3455 RSVP Port
fatserv ***.***.***.***:347 Fatmen Server
rsvp_tunnel ***.***.***.***:363 RSVP Tunnel
daap ***.***.***.***:3689 Apple iTunes music sharing. Digital Audio Access Protocol (DAAP)
rpc2portmap ***.***.***.***:369 Rpc2portmap
time ***.***.***.***:37 Time Server
codaauth2 ***.***.***.***:370 IANA port for the Coda authentication daemon
ulistproc ***.***.***.***:372 UNIX Listserv
wow ***.***.***.***:3724 World Of Warcraft network game
ldap ***.***.***.***:389 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
rlp ***.***.***.***:39 Resource Location Server
sgmngr ***.***.***.***:39213 Sygate Manager
micq ***.***.***.***:4000 Mirabilis ICQ
gccs ***.***.***.***:4020 GlobalChat client, server
Timbuktu ***.***.***.***:407 Timbuktu remote control
nameserver ***.***.***.***:42 IEN 116
svrloc ***.***.***.***:427 Server Location Protocl
whois ***.***.***.***:43 Whois Server
rwhois ***.***.***.***:4321 Remote Who Is
mobileip-agent ***.***.***.***:434 MobileIP-Agent
mobilip-mn ***.***.***.***:435 MobilIP-MN
https ***.***.***.***:443 Secure HTTP (SSL)
snpp ***.***.***.***:444 Simple Network Paging Protocol
krb524 ***.***.***.***:4444 Kerberos 5 to 4 ticket xlator
microsoft-ds ***.***.***.***:445 Microsoft-DS
fax ***.***.***.***:4557 FAX transmission service (old)
hylafax ***.***.***.***:4559 HylaFAX client-server protocol (new)
kpasswd ***.***.***.***:464 Kerberos
smtps ***.***.***.***:465 SMTP over SSL (TLS)
photuris ***.***.***.***:468 Computer networking session key management protocol
plog ***.***.***.***:4747 PlayLink online games
plog ***.***.***.***:4748 PlayLink online games
dps ***.***.***.***:47624 Microsoft Direct Play Server
saft ***.***.***.***:487 Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
gss-http ***.***.***.***:488 gss-http
radmin ***.***.***.***:4899 RAdmin remote control
tacacs ***.***.***.***:49 Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
pim-rp-disc ***.***.***.***:496 pim-rp-disc
rje ***.***.***.***:5 Remote Job Entry
re-mail-ck ***.***.***.***:50 Remote Mail Checking Protocol
isakmp ***.***.***.***:500 Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
ymvc ***.***.***.***:5000 Yahoo Messenger - Voice Chat
ymvc ***.***.***.***:5001 Yahoo Messenger - Voice Chat
rfe ***.***.***.***:5002 Radio Free Ethernet
gmhc ***.***.***.***:5003 GnomeMeeting audio and videoconference
gmhc ***.***.***.***:5010 GnomeMeeting audio and videoconference
gmhc ***.***.***.***:5011 GnomeMeeting audio and videoconference
gmhc ***.***.***.***:5012 GnomeMeeting audio and videoconference
gmhc ***.***.***.***:5013 GnomeMeeting audio and videoconference
ymm ***.***.***.***:5050 Yahoo Messenger
sip ***.***.***.***:5060 Session Initiation Protocol (for audio and video)
ymwc ***.***.***.***:5100 Yahoo Messenger - Webcams
exec ***.***.***.***:512 Exec Service
login ***.***.***.***:513 Login Service
shell ***.***.***.***:514 Shell Service
printer ***.***.***.***:515 Line printer spooler
utime ***.***.***.***:519 Unixtime
aim ***.***.***.***:5190 AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)
aim ***.***.***.***:5191 AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)
aim ***.***.***.***:5192 AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)
aim ***.***.***.***:5193 AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)
efs ***.***.***.***:520 Encrypting File System
ripng ***.***.***.***:521 Routing Information Protocol next generation
ms-ulp ***.***.***.***:522 Microsoft User Location Protocol
xmmp ***.***.***.***:5222 XMPP / Jabber
sgi-dgl ***.***.***.***:5232 SGI Distributed Graphics
qnext ***.***.***.***:5235 Qnext audio/video conference, fileshare
qnext ***.***.***.***:5236 Qnext audio/video conference, fileshare
qnext ***.***.***.***:5237 Qnext audio/video conference, fileshare
timed ***.***.***.***:525 Timeserver
tempo ***.***.***.***:526 Newdate
xmmp ***.***.***.***:5269 XMPP / Jabber
iclt ***.***.***.***:5298 iChat local traffic
domain ***.***.***.***:53 Domain Name Server (DNS)
courier ***.***.***.***:530 Courier RPC
cfengine ***.***.***.***:5308 CFengine
conference ***.***.***.*** :531 Chat
netnews ***.***.***.***:532 Net News
iiop ***.***.***.***:535 IIOP
mdns ***.***.***.***:5353 Multicast DNS
noclog ***.***.***.***:5354 Noclogd with TCP (nocol)
hostmon ***.***.***.***:5355 Hostmon uses TCP (nocol)
gdomap ***.***.***.***:538 GNUstep distributed objects
uucp ***.***.***.***:540 UUCP daemon
klogin ***.***.***.***:543 Kerberized 'rlogin' (v5)
postgres ***.***.***.***:5432 PostgreSQL relational database server
kshell ***.***.***.***:544 Kerberized 'rsh' (v5)
dhcpv6-client ***.***.***.***:546 DHCP v6 Client
dhcpv6-server ***.***.***.***:547 DHCP v6 Server
afpovertcp ***.***.***.***:548 AFP over TCP
hlfs ***.***.***.***:5500 HotLine file sharing
hlfs ***.***.***.***:5501 HotLine file sharing
hlfs ***.***.***.***:5502 HotLine file sharing
hlfs ***.***.***.***:5503 HotLine file sharing
ssfs ***.***.***.***:5534 SoulSeek file sharing service
rtsp ***.***.***.***:554 Real Time Stream Control Protocol
esp ***.***.***.***:5554 SGI Embedded Support Partner (ESP) web server. Also used by Trojans
ispa ***.***.***.***:5555 InfoSeek Personal Agent
remotefs ***.***.***.***:556 Brunhoff remote filesystem
nntps ***.***.***.***:563 NNTP over SSL
pcarc ***.***.***.***:5631 pcAnywhere remote control
whoami ***.***.***.***:565 Whoami
ivisit ***.***.***.***:56768 iVisit videoconferencing
canna ***.***.***.***:5680 Canna
scs ***.***.***.***:5760 eShare Chat Server
swt ***.***.***.***:5761 eShare Web Tour
submission ***.***.***.***:587 Mail message submission
cvsup ***.***.***.***:5999 CVSup file transfer/John Polstra/FreeBSD
x11 ***.***.***.***:6000 The X Window System
x11-ssh-offset ***.***.***.***:6010 SSH X11 forwarding offset
tfido ***.***.***.***:60177 Lfmail
fido ***.***.***.***:60179 Lfmail
dp8 ***.***.***.***:6073 Microsoft DirectPlay8
npmp-local ***.***.***.***:610 Npmp-local / DQS
npmp-gui ***.***.***.***:611 Npmp-gui / DQS
bbn ***.***.***.***:6112 Blizzard / Battle.net network gaming
bbn ***.***.***.***:6113 Blizzard / Battle.net network gaming
bbn ***.***.***.***:6114 Blizzard / Battle.net network gaming
bbn ***.***.***.***:6115 Blizzard / Battle.net network gaming
bbn ***.***.***.***:6116 Blizzard / Battle.net network gaming
bbn ***.***.***.***:6117 Blizzard / Battle.net network gaming
bbn ***.***.***.***:6118 Blizzard / Battle.net network gaming
bbn ***.***.***.***:6119 Blizzard / Battle.net network gaming
hmmp-ind ***.***.***.***:612 HMMP Indication / DQS
plog ***.***.***.***:6144 PlayLink online games
gii ***.***.***.***:616 Gated interactive interface
whois++ ***.***.***.***:63 Whois++ Server
ipp ***.***.***.***:631 Internet Printing Protocol
gnutella ***.***.***.***:6346 GNUtella peer-to-peer file sharing
gnutella ***.***.***.***:6347 GNUtella peer-to-peer file sharing
ldaps ***.***.***.***:636 LDAP over SSL
ncac ***.***.***.***:6498 Netscape Conference audioconferencing
netoprc ***.***.***.***:6502 Danware NetOp Remote Control
Doom ***.***.***.***:666 Doom network game
ircd ***.***.***.***:6665 Internet Relay Chat
ircd ***.***.***.***:6666 Internet Relay Chat
ircd ***.***.***.***:6667 Internet Relay Chat
ircd ***.***.***.***:6668 Internet Relay Chat
ircd ***.***.***.***:6669 Internet Relay Chat
vtip ***.***.***.***:6670 VocalTec Internet Phone videoconferencing
bootps ***.***.***.***:67 BOOTP server
acap ***.***.***.***:674 Automated Content Access Protocol (ACAP)
sas ***.***.***.***:6764 eShare Admin Server
bootpc ***.***.***.***:68 BOOTP client
pc2phone ***.***.***.***:6801 Net2Phone CommCenter
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6881 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6882 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6883 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6884 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6885 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6886 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6887 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6888 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6889 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6890 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6891 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6892 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6893 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6894 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6895 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6896 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6897 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6898 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6899 BitTorrent distributed data download
tftp ***.***.***.***:69 TFTP
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6900 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6901 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6902 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6903 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6904 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6905 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6906 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6907 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6908 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6909 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6910 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6911 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6912 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6913 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6914 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6915 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6916 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6917 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6918 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6919 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6920 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6921 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6922 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6923 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6924 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6925 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6926 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6927 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6928 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6929 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6930 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6931 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6932 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6933 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6934 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6935 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6936 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6937 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6938 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6939 BitTorrent distributed data download
ha-cluster ***.***.***.***:694 Heartbeat HA-cluster
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6940 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6941 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6942 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6943 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6944 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6945 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6946 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6947 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6948 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6949 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6950 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6951 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6952 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6953 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6954 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6955 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6956 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6957 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6958 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6959 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6960 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6961 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6962 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6963 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6964 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6965 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6966 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6967 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6968 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6969 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6970 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6971 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6972 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6973 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6974 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6975 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6976 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6977 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6978 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6979 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6980 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6981 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6982 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6983 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6984 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6985 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6986 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6987 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6988 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6989 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6990 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6991 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6992 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6993 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6994 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6995 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6996 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6997 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6998 BitTorrent distributed data download
bittorrent ***.***.***.***:6999 BitTorrent distributed data download
echo ***.***.***.***:7 Echo Service
gopher ***.***.***.***:70 Internet Gopher
afs3-fileserver ***.***.***.***:7000 File server itself
afs3-callback ***.***.***.***:7001 Callbacks to cache managers
afs3-prserver ***.***.***.***:7002 Users & groups database
afs3-vlserver ***.***.***.***:7003 Volume location database
afs3-kaserver ***.***.***.***:7004 AFS/Kerberos authentication service
afs3-volser ***.***.***.***:7005 Volume managment server
afs3-errors ***.***.***.***:7006 Error interpretation service
afs3-bos ***.***.***.***:7007 Basic overseer process
afs3-update ***.***.***.***:7008 server-to-server updater
afs3-rmtsys ***.***.***.***:7009 Remote cache manager service
rtsp ***.***.***.***:7070 Real Audio & Video
netrjs-1 ***.***.***.***:71 Remote Job Service
xfs ***.***.***.***:7100 X font server
netrjs-2 ***.***.***.***:72 Remote Job Service
netrjs-3 ***.***.***.***:73 Remote Job Service
netrjs-4 ***.***.***.***:74 Remote Job Service
kerberos-adm ***.***.***.***:749 Kerberos 'kadmin' (v5)
kerberos-iv ***.***.***.***:750 Kerberos4 kerberos-sec kdc
kerberos_master ***.***.***.***:751 Kerberos authentication
krb5_prop ***.***.***.***:754 Kerberos slave propagation
krbupdate ***.***.***.***:760 Kerberos registration
cusm ***.***.***.***:7648 CU-SeeMe, Enhanced CUSM videoconferencing
cusm ***.***.***.***:7649 CU-SeeMe, Enhanced CUSM videoconferencing
webster ***.***.***.***:765 Network dictionary
cusm ***.***.***.***:7650 CU-SeeMe, Enhanced CUSM videoconferencing
cusm ***.***.***.***:7651 CU-SeeMe, Enhanced CUSM videoconferencing
cusm ***.***.***.***:7652 CU-SeeMe, Enhanced CUSM videoconferencing
tircproxy ***.***.***.***:7666 Tircproxy
phonebook ***.***.***.***:767 Network phonebook
finger ***.***.***.***:79 Finger Service
ControlIT ***.***.***.***:799 Remote Control CA ControlIT support
http ***.***.***.***:80 WorldWideWeb HTTP
ajp12 ***.***.***.***:8007 Apache JServ Protocol v12 (ajp12)
http-alt ***.***.***.***:8008 HTTP Alternative Port
ajp13 ***.***.***.***:8009 Apache JServ Protocol v13 (ajp13)
gp2p ***.***.***.***:8038 Grouper peer-to-peer (P2P) filesharing
omirr ***.***.***.***:808 Online Mirror
webcache ***.***.***.***:8080 WWW caching service
tproxy ***.***.***.***:8081 Transparent Proxy
hosts2 ***.***.***.***:81 HOSTS2 Name Server
xfer ***.***.***.***:82 XFER Utility
supfilesrv ***.***.***.***:871 SUP server
rsync ***.***.***.***:873 Remote UNIX files synchronization
kerberos ***.***.***.***:88 Kerberos v5
discard ***.***.***.***:9 Sink Null
swat ***.***.***.***:901 Samba Web Administration Tool
vmw-console ***.***.***.***:902 VMware Virtual Machine Console
jetdirect ***.***.***.***:9100 Direct Printer Attach
supdup ***.***.***.***:95 SupDup
rndc ***.***.***.***:953 RNDC control sockets (BIND 9)
linuxconf ***.***.***.***:98 Linuxconf HTML access
sd ***.***.***.***:9876 Session Director
mchat ***.***.***.***:9898 MonkeyCom video-chat, also used by Trojans
telnets ***.***.***.***:992 Telnet over SSL
imaps ***.***.***.***:993 IMAP over SSL
ircs ***.***.***.***:994 IRC over SSL
ivisit ***.***.***.***:9943 iVisit videoconferencing
ivisit ***.***.***.***:9945 iVisit videoconferencing
pop3s ***.***.***.***:995 POP-3 over SSL
pchat ***.***.***.***:9992 The Palace chat environment
pchat ***.***.***.***:9993 The Palace chat environment
pchat ***.***.***.***:9994 The Palace chat environment
pchat ***.***.***.***:9995 The Palace chat environment
pchat ***.***.***.***:9996 The Palace chat environment
pchat ***.***.***.***:9997 The Palace chat environment
pchat ***.***.***.***:9998 The Palace chat environment
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