Not Recording on Motion Detection

Publicado el: 2019-05-17 21:04:40?ltima hora de actualización: 2022-05-11 23:13:29

By default, the Kasa camera will be recording any motion and sending notification. If you are in a situation where the camera is not recording or you are not receiving notifications, view the suggestions below that aim to resolve that.


Camera is not recording motion


Open the Kasa app, tap on the camera name, and go to device settings (top right icon).



Go to "Privacy and Sensitivity", under privacy you should have "Record Video and Audio" selected. Make sure your sensitivity is set to any region to the right half of the bar. The further right you set it, the camera will become increasingly sensitive to record any motion.



Scroll down and look for the slide bar labeled "Record motion that lasts at least" set that all the way to the left. This will ensure that any motion at all will be recorded. If you set that to 3 seconds, then the object will need to be moving around longer than 3 seconds before motion is then recorded.



Select the top left arrow to go back, and now tap on "Activity Zones". You do not need to create zones, not having one means the entire screen will record motion, which is fine. If you created an activity zone, then motion will only be detected in that created zone.


Camera is recording clips, but is not notifying you


If motion is being recorded, go to the activity icon (bell shaped), and you will see the clips listed there.



To verify if the notification settings are correct go back into the camera settings and select “Notifications”.



If it is disabled, the ticker will be moved to the left which means the app will not notify you of motion is detected. To enable it, tap on the ticker and it will become enabled with additional options below. These options will give you the ability change the time you receive notification and the frequency of notifications.



If your camera is not recording motion, check the camera's settings for any motion detection settings or sensitivity adjustments. Also, ensure that the camera's firmware is up to date and there are no physical obstructions blocking its view. For resource:

i have the same issue but it's fixed now 

here i got help you can check: 
