AX73 перезагрузка + сброс настроек

AX73 перезагрузка + сброс настроек

AX73 перезагрузка + сброс настроек
AX73 перезагрузка + сброс настроек
2023-11-12 19:31:04 - last edited 2023-11-12 19:34:30
Модель: Archer AX73  
Аппаратная версия: V1
Версия прошивки: 1.3.5 Build 20230919 rel.12938(4555)

В течении дня перезагружается роутер и сбрасываются все настройки на протяжении 2-3 дней.Пробывал сброс на заводские,перешивал той же прошивкой,ничего не помогает.


#                  Archer AX73 System Log
# Time = 2023-11-11 12:40:42
# H-Ver = 1.0.0 ; S-Ver = 1.3.5 Build 20230919 rel.12938
# LAN: I = ; M = ; MAC = 6C:5A:B0:2C:A0:24 
# WAN: W = dhcp ; I = ; M = ; MAC = 6C:5A:B0:2C:A0:25 
#      G = ; D1 = ; D2 = 
# Clients connected: 3 ; WI-FI : 2 
2023-11-11 12:31:25 imb[9668]: <6> 218507 Daemon connection succeeded
2023-11-11 12:31:25 imb[9668]: <6> 218012 ARP Binding disabled
2023-11-11 12:31:25 imb[9668]: <6> 218506 Config interface initialization succeeded
2023-11-11 12:31:25 imb[9668]: <6> 218501 Initialization succeeded
2023-11-11 12:31:22 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WPS_OFF
2023-11-11 12:31:21 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WPS_OFF
2023-11-11 12:31:13 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WIFI2G_ON
2023-11-11 12:31:13 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WIFI5G_ON
2023-11-11 12:30:36 imb[5021]: <6> 218507 Daemon connection succeeded
2023-11-11 12:30:36 imb[5021]: <6> 218012 ARP Binding disabled
2023-11-11 12:30:36 imb[5021]: <6> 218506 Config interface initialization succeeded
2023-11-11 12:30:36 imb[5021]: <6> 218501 Initialization succeeded
2023-11-11 12:30:32 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WPS_OFF
2023-11-11 12:30:31 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WPS_OFF
2023-11-11 12:30:23 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WIFI2G_ON
2023-11-11 12:30:23 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WIFI5G_ON
2023-11-11 12:29:32 upnp[32298]: <6> 217504 Service start
2023-11-11 12:29:32 upnp[32298]: <6> 217505 Service stop
2023-11-11 12:29:31 remote-management[31956]: <6> 282505 Service stop
2023-11-11 12:29:24 modem[1663]: <7> 292036 backup: switch network to WIRED.
2023-11-11 12:29:19 nat[30715]: <6> 211501 Initialization succeeded
2023-11-11 12:29:18 nat[30715]: <6> 211501 Initialization succeeded
2023-11-11 12:29:17 modem[1663]: <7> 292036 backup: switch network to WIRED.
2023-11-11 12:29:12 nat[29639]: <6> 211501 Initialization succeeded
2023-11-11 12:29:12 traffic-stats[8992]: <6> 269004 stats reset
2023-11-11 12:29:12 network[29312]: <6> 290005 Reload config
2023-11-11 12:29:12 nat[29639]: <6> 211501 Initialization succeeded
2023-11-11 12:29:10 network[29312]: <6> 290004 Disconnect interface wan
2023-11-11 12:29:08 network[29312]: <6> 290004 Disconnect interface internet
2023-11-11 12:29:08 network[29312]: <6> 290100 Set WAN protocol to dhcp, operation is write
2023-11-11 12:29:08 time-settings[29401]: <6> 279508 Service restart
2023-11-11 10:28:10 locale[26370]: <6> 283051 Language is changed to 'ru_RU'
2023-11-11 10:05:00 parental-control[18953]: <6> 229504 Service start
2023-11-11 10:05:00 parental-control[18953]: <6> 229502 Function enabled
2023-11-11 10:04:59 parental-control[18953]: <6> 229505 Service stop
2023-11-11 10:04:59 parental-control[18953]: <6> 229503 Function disabled
2023-11-11 10:04:33 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WAN1_ON
2023-11-11 10:04:33 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WAN0_OFF
2023-11-11 10:04:33 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run LAN_ON
2023-11-11 10:04:31 time-settings[16949]: <6> 279508 Service restart
2023-11-11 10:04:29 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WAN1_ON
2023-11-11 10:04:29 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WAN0_OFF
2023-11-11 10:04:29 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run LAN_ON
2023-11-11 10:03:56 upnp[13234]: <6> 217504 Service start
2023-11-11 10:03:55 upnp[13234]: <6> 217505 Service stop
2023-11-11 10:03:54 remote-management[12738]: <6> 282505 Service stop
2023-11-11 10:03:45 nat[10904]: <6> 211021 IPSEC ALG enabled
2023-11-11 10:03:45 nat[10904]: <6> 211021 L2TP ALG enabled
2023-11-11 10:03:45 nat[10904]: <6> 211021 PPTP ALG enabled
2023-11-11 10:03:45 nat[10904]: <6> 211021 SIP ALG enabled
2023-11-11 10:03:45 nat[10904]: <6> 211021 RTSP ALG enabled
2023-11-11 10:03:45 nat[10904]: <6> 211021 H323 ALG enabled
2023-11-11 10:03:45 nat[10904]: <6> 211021 TFTP ALG enabled
2023-11-11 10:03:45 nat[10904]: <6> 211021 FTP ALG enabled
2023-11-11 10:03:44 modem[1663]: <7> 292036 backup: switch network to WIRED.
2023-11-11 10:03:42 nat[10904]: <6> 211501 Initialization succeeded
2023-09-19 00:00:54 nat[10904]: <6> 211501 Initialization succeeded
2023-09-19 00:00:53 modem[1663]: <7> 292036 backup: switch network to WIRED.
2023-09-19 00:00:50 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WAN1_OFF
2023-09-19 00:00:50 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WAN0_ON
2023-09-19 00:00:50 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run LAN_ON
2023-09-19 00:00:48 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WAN1_OFF
2023-09-19 00:00:48 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WAN0_ON
2023-09-19 00:00:48 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run LAN_OFF
2023-09-19 00:00:46 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run STATUS_ON
2023-09-19 00:00:45 qos[10320]: <6> 259504 Service start
2023-09-19 00:00:45 qos[10320]: <6> 259503 Function disabled
2023-09-19 00:00:45 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run GENERAL
2023-09-19 00:00:39 traffic-stats[8982]: <6> 269504 Service start
2023-09-19 00:00:29 factory-reset[7435]: <6> 284504 Service start
2023-09-19 00:00:28 parental-control[7101]: <6> 229504 Service start
2023-09-19 00:00:28 parental-control[7101]: <6> 229502 Function enabled
2023-09-19 00:00:27 access-control[7001]: <6> 239504 Service start
2023-09-19 00:00:27 access-control[7001]: <6> 239503 Function disabled
2023-09-19 00:00:25 nat[6557]: <7> 211001 Flush conntrack
2023-09-19 00:00:25 nat[6557]: <6> 211502 Function enabled
2023-09-19 00:00:25 nat[6557]: <5> 211051 Create NAT chain succeeded
2023-09-19 00:00:24 nat[6557]: <6> 211501 Initialization succeeded
2023-09-19 00:00:24 nat[6557]: <6> 211501 Initialization succeeded
2023-09-19 00:00:23 basic-security[6089]: <6> 219504 Service start
2023-09-19 00:00:23 basic-security[6089]: <5> 219606 Flush conntrack table succeeded
2023-09-19 00:00:20 firewall[4793]: <6> 209504 Service start
2023-09-19 00:00:18 imb[5715]: <6> 218507 Daemon connection succeeded
2023-09-19 00:00:18 imb[5715]: <6> 218012 ARP Binding disabled
2023-09-19 00:00:18 imb[5715]: <6> 218506 Config interface initialization succeeded
2023-09-19 00:00:18 imb[5715]: <6> 218501 Initialization succeeded
2023-09-19 00:00:17 upnp[5502]: <6> 217504 Service start
2023-09-19 00:00:17 upnp[5502]: <6> 217505 Service stop
2023-09-19 00:00:14 remote-management[5003]: <6> 282505 Service stop
2023-09-19 00:00:13 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WIFI2G_ON
2023-09-19 00:00:13 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288051 Start to run WIFI5G_ON
2023-09-19 00:00:13 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:13 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:12 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:12 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:11 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:11 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:11 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:11 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:10 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:10 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:10 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:10 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:09 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:09 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:09 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:09 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:08 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:08 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:08 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:08 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:07 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:07 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:07 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:07 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:07 led-controller[1153]: <3> 288753 Config importing failed
2023-09-19 00:00:07 led-controller[1153]: <7> 288009 Failed to read _ON
2023-09-19 00:00:00 time-settings[1193]: <6> 279504 Service start
1970-01-01 00:00:19 led-controller[1153]: <6> 288504 Service start

1 Ответить
Re:AX73 перезагрузка + сброс настроек
2023-11-16 07:52:56





По сколько у вас роутер сам перезагружается и сбрасывается до заводских настроек

После обновления прошивки то же самое

То лучше всего обратится в СЦ 


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