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Forums/ WiFi
2022-08-18 07:18:51
Re:Random clients declined IP address by DHCP
New occurence: - (different) client device - visible in the Omada portal as connected client but no activity (0 MB exchanged since beginning of the session) - Omada portal shows an IP address - the...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-08-17 14:42:36
Re:Random clients declined IP address by DHCP
@KimcheeGUN Valid point, I looked on the device itself. Is there any way I can find the signal strength for a specific device at a specific past moment in time (for which the session is no longer...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-08-17 12:23:53
Re:Random clients declined IP address by DHCP
@KimcheeGUN Good suggestion but yes, they all had a good signal at the time. With the last two they were literally 3 meters away from the AP with nothing in the line of sight in between.
Forums/ WiFi
2022-08-17 11:37:50
Random clients declined IP address by DHCP
Hi, Since a couple of days random client devices (which have been active on the network for months) are declined an IP address by the DHCP server of the switch. I've ran a Wireshark session for more...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-06-23 05:21:18
Re:Gateway load no longer showing since firmware update
@Philbert that was it indeed. All back to normal after the reboot of the router. Thanks
Forums/ Controllers
2022-06-22 18:36:57
Gateway load no longer showing since firmware update
Since a couple of days the dashboard is no longer showing, the ISP load, the internet capacity and gateway load. I suspect this occurs since the last firmware update but I'm not completely sure...