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Forums/ Controllers
2021-07-20 21:55:44
Re:Switch TL-SG2008P no statistic after upgrade fw
@Fae After another reboot of the switch and ap the poe status is now reporting. Thanks
Forums/ Controllers
2021-07-20 12:41:11
Re:Switch TL-SG2008P no statistic after upgrade fw
@Fae Before upgrading to the beta firmware the poe budget and status was reporting correctly. Post upgrade to the beta firmware the poe budget and status are not working correctly. Moving to a...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-07-19 13:56:16
Re:Switch TL-SG2008P no statistic after upgrade fw
@Fae After installing Firmware Version: 1.0.1 Build 20210604 Rel.36558(Beta) on Model: TL-SG2210MP v1.0 the traffic statistics are working however POE status and budget are not reporting any data....