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Forums/ Controllers
2021-10-18 17:03:03
Re:TL-R605v1.6 showing a v1.0 - which firmware to download
@cmatni This page has this section for FW 1.1.1 : Notes: 1. For ER605 (TL-R605) v1.0 and v1.6. so that should answer your question...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-09-28 06:38:43
Re:New to Omada... some feedback/feature requests
@ZandrM definite +1 on point 1) from me
Forums/ Controllers
2021-09-24 19:56:39
Re:OC200 Controller Settings Menu is Greyed Out?
*double post , messed up the edit*
Forums/ Controllers
2021-09-24 19:56:37
Re:OC200 Controller Settings Menu is Greyed Out?
well offcourse there is no button to take a backup 'now' onto the USB storage device , its there for autoback only that would be stupid right ? why would you want to take a 'manual' backup now,...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-09-24 19:29:52
Re:OC200 Controller Settings Menu is Greyed Out?
@DGV-TECH well you got me started now. controller settings > user interface > refresh button <=== heuuuh ? confused me ? if you enable disable it add/removes the 'refresh button ' in the top right =>...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-09-24 19:12:03
Re:OC200 Controller Settings Menu is Greyed Out?
@DGV-TECH controller settings > maintenance yeah no idea why backup needs to be under maintance but autobackup needs to have a dedicated menu The laughing gui guy probably has an explanation about it...