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Forums/ Controllers
2023-01-08 18:37:34
Re:ER605 Ports Won't Open
@p800aul Yes and it was a stupid one. The 7 ports are all part of the same system and it was this system I had behind the forwarded ports which wasn't responding to open port checks...though it's not...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-11-26 20:28:29
Re:ER605 Ports Won't Open
@RickJamesBish actually, it won't work after 1 port is open. I have port 32400 for Plex open which works. If I add another port...32400 still works...but the new port I want to open (in this case,...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-11-25 23:36:22
Re:ER605 Ports Won't Open
@Killer3p0 Same issues here...I added 8 port forwarding rules but only the first rule works.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2022-08-18 14:51:54
Re:*REQUEST* OC200 - History Data Retention Save To External Drive
Not to mention, this is what message bus/ service bus is for in software. Allow the service/message bus to buffer (on the OC device disk) a portion of the data before writing the onto a USB drive....
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-02 20:20:13
Re:Inaccurate Speed Test Results
This is why Omada is not intelligent with speedtests Here is my speedtest from the web: Here it is from Omada: Both of them are "speedtest" powered. Only Omada is woefully innaccurate. I can download...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-06-30 17:51:50
Re:DDNS (NO-IP) not updating with Omada Configuration
Same issue here...this isn't updating still.