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Forums/ General Discussion
2 hours ago
Omada cold backup
Bonjour, J'ai comme projet de mettre en place des sauvegardes froides ( couper du réseau ) j'aimerais savoir si OMADA peut gérer cela , type vlan" backup" mise en route as 23h et coupure a 01h , afin...
Forums/ Switches
3 weeks ago
Re:Vlan omada on SG-TL1024DE
@Clive_A I'm not trying to create a new vlan! I'm just looking to be able to find my vlans on the SG-TL1024DE and assign them the ports to the desired vlan 1-8 192.168.0.xxx (LAN by default) trunk...
Forums/ Switches
3 weeks ago
Re:Vlan omada on SG-TL1024DE
@Clive_A In my config currently I have: 192.168.0.xxx LAN by default (all my omada devices) Vlan 20: 192.168.20.xxx: the entire administrative network Vlan 30: 192.168.30.xxx: the entire educational...
Forums/ Switches
2024-05-03 10:17:30
Re:Vlan omada on SG-TL1024DE
@Clive_A I'm afraid that if I change the setting in my vlan, it will bring down my entire network? Er605 config on VLAN 20 :
Forums/ Switches
2024-04-19 09:31:54
OMADA et SG-1024DE
Bonjour a tous , J'aimerais reporté mes VLAN sur un SG-1024DE L2 mais non OMADA j'ai actuellement 4 vlan's 1: 20: 30:192.168.30/24 40: J'aimerais...
Forums/ Switches
2024-04-16 09:25:21
Re:Vlan omada on SG-TL1024DE
@Fabfab74 Sorry for my search but I'm French, some terms are difficult for me After the following configuration, your example Vlan 20/30 does not work. I would like to put the tables if you see an...