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Forums/ Controllers
2022-03-06 17:20:02
Re:Vlans over VPN
@btx Thank you! I know that I have to consider a lot of things, but I'm building a network for a small office (max two employees) and 1/2TB on a small NAS. We have always two daily backup copy of the...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-03-04 12:46:44
Re:Vlans over VPN
@btx Sorry, you're right. It's not necessary that the vpn is in managble by omada. I have a symmetric 1 gbps line and maybe a wireguard server on a raspberry pi4 could be better for me. So, do you...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-03-04 11:09:59
Re:Vlans over VPN
@Virgo Thank you for reply. Yes, I can create a cloud access, but can I access to my Nas and my files in this way? I know I can manage the network and devices from cloud, but I think I can't acess to...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-03-03 14:40:28
Vlans over VPN
Hardware: TL-SG2428P 4x EAP615 Hello, I bought a tl-sg2428p and four eap-615wall for my new small office / home place. I would configure vlans in this way: vlan0: main network to manage all devices...