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Forums/ Switches
2023-07-10 12:34:43
Re:Issue with dual switches
@Zubairsk thanks for the reply it is much appreciated. I did try what you suggested and got to step 8, the port config for 1/01/1 is already set to PVID of 1 which is the same on the second switch....
Forums/ Switches
2023-07-10 10:05:53
Re:Issue with dual switches
@Clive_A I've got VLAN 1, 50 and 75 setup. With regards to static ip, it should be getting a IP from my pfsense VM but from what I can see pfsense isn't seeing the switch but sees the cameras...
Forums/ Switches
2023-07-10 08:03:37
Re:Issue with dual switches
@Clive_A that's interesting, I downloaded and ran the discovery utility tool as I'm not using Omada. When it ran the app, it detects that both my switches are using the IP, I know this is...
Forums/ Switches
2023-07-09 00:52:33
Issue with dual switches
Hi, I'm after some help as I've got myself into a pickle. I have two TL-SG2210P's, the first one is for general devices and the second switch is for POE devices aka cameras and an AP (currently...
Forums/ Switches
2022-09-01 00:13:17
Re:TL-SG2210P - Setup with PFSense and VLAN
KJK wrote @natedog082 You do not need that route to the subnet on Switch 2. And, you do not really need SVIs there except for VLAN 1. You should disable the IPv4 routing on Switch 2...
Forums/ Switches
2022-08-31 12:20:40
Re:TL-SG2210P - Setup with PFSense and VLAN
@KJK I've got the following setup on switch 1 Switch 2, I have the following VLAN 75 setup, it currently has the following connected port 1 is connected to port 1 on switch 1, port 2 is laptop for...