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Forums/ Routers
22 hours ago
Re:Wired clients connected to WLAN/LAN2, LAN1 and LAN2 not visible in OC200
Hi @Clive_A, interestingly enough today an update for my ER605 v2.0 router from version 2.2.4 to 2.2.5 seems to have solved the issue. Spot the difference with the previous screenshot of the...
Forums/ Routers
Re:Wired clients connected to WLAN/LAN2, LAN1 and LAN2 not visible in OC200
Hi @Clive_A, first of all, take it easy. Secondly, I started my initial posting with mentioning all components in my system: ER605 v2.0 router SG2210P v5.20 switch OC200 v1.0 controller...
Forums/ Routers
Re:Wired clients connected to WLAN/LAN2, LAN1 and LAN2 not visible in OC200
Hi @, Clive_A, thanks for your response. You propose to reboot the whole system. Obviously that is what I already tried. Since that didn't solve the issue, and like I mentioned I'm pretty sure that...
Forums/ Routers
a week ago
Wired clients connected to WLAN/LAN2, LAN1 and LAN2 not visible in OC200
My ER605 v2.0 router (firmware 2.2.4) is connected to a modem on port 'WAN'. A SG2210P v5.20 switch (firmware 5.20.1) is connected to port 'WLAN/LAN1'. On ports 'WLAN/LAN2', 'LAN1' and 'LAN2' wired...
Forums/ Controllers
a week ago
Re:Omada Hardware Controller_V5.14 Pre-release (Released on Apr 16th, 2024)
Hi @Tamer_Morcos, thanks. Do you have any idea when the new firmwaer for EAP615-Wall will become available?
Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-09 08:43:35
Re:Omada Hardware Controller_V5.14 Pre-release (Released on Apr 16th, 2024)
Hi @Totti_14, I again updated my OC200 v1.0 controller to beta firmware 1.30.2_20240410_rel31241. It indeed seems to work. Thanks for your suggestion! What I don't understand is that even though...