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Forums/ Routers
2023-07-26 13:01:05
Re:ER605 mass client disconnection events
@Clive_A @MR.S I spoke too soon about a solution. What do you make of the following graph - the ER605 dropping all client connections (including the OC200) this afternoon. This was not an ISP...
Forums/ Routers
2023-07-25 01:35:51
Re:ER605 mass client disconnection events
@Clive_A @MR.S Thank you both for your comments. Since the firmware update to the latest Beta and resetting the WAN, I have experienced stable latency around 32msec, stable speeds of around 110+Mbps...
Forums/ Routers
2023-07-24 00:41:18
Re:ER605 mass client disconnection events
@MR.S it appears that the graph that I pasted above from the OC200 dashboard is not showing available speeds, but rather might be showing Mbps averaged over the 5 minute window, which with lower...
Forums/ Routers
2023-07-23 09:37:16
Re:ER605 mass client disconnection events
@MR.S when all 3 switches are connected to separate LAN ports on the ER605, and it is still disconnecting all devices across all three switches simultaneously, I don't see how it could be a single...
Forums/ Routers
2023-07-23 09:00:11
Re:ER605 mass client disconnection events
@MR.S works as it should - We have also run WinMTR with direct connection to ISP via PPPoE with good results, but when connected via LAN and ER605 we had 7% packet loss between PC and ER605 and 23%...
Forums/ Routers
2023-07-23 08:27:03
Re:ER605 mass client disconnection events
@RecapsGallion Updated to firmware 2.1.4 Build 20230720 Rel.50798 and reset WAN and went from this - to this - Latency vastly improved but speed dropped after initial improvement. Still experiencing...