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Forums/ Routers
2023-08-17 23:56:15
Re:ER8411 - Slow Speed in SFP+ Port w/ TPLink Transceivers
@ThiagoGuedes Switch level is fine for me. On the LAN my 1G clients can communicate with my 10G clients at full speed. So I don't think that's the issue.
Forums/ Routers
2023-08-17 02:42:56
Re:ER8411 - Slow Speed in SFP+ Port w/ TPLink Transceivers
@ThiagoGuedes Thinking about it a bit, I doubt TP-Link is to blame here. I am almost confident it is the modem provided by your ISP (Rogers). You likely have an XB7 or XB8, same as myself. I am...
Forums/ Routers
2023-08-17 00:11:57
Re:ER8411 - Slow Speed in SFP+ Port w/ TPLink Transceivers
@ThiagoGuedes Yeah I ended up deleting it cause it was really only a valid point (I blame a long day at work for the rant) with regards to the upload side (Router > Transceiver) but your problem is...
Forums/ Routers
2023-08-14 04:18:10
Re:ER8411 - Slow Speed in SFP+ Port w/ TPLink Transceivers
@ThiagoGuedes I have an identical setup to you, same issues. For now I am using one of the 1G ports instead of the 2.5G port on my modem so I can at least get up to 1G on all ports which isn't ideal....