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Forums/ WiFi
2024-11-23 21:34:58
Re:EAP225outdoor wireless mesh disconnected/not even visible/adopt failed
@MR.S hmmm says it does
Forums/ WiFi
2024-11-23 21:32:27
Re:EAP225outdoor wireless mesh disconnected/not even visible/adopt failed
@MR.S Thanks for your reply. ill give this a try ... actually i did exactly the dumb stuff and thought maybe DFS making me the headache so i forced them to non DFS :(
Forums/ WiFi
2024-11-23 18:16:56
EAP225outdoor wireless mesh disconnected/not even visible/adopt failed
Hi, my new toys (see pic) bring me some unexpected headache. first the EAP225 was visible and adopted without any issue. later they connected in strange ways... in a chain or all to one of the wired...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-11-23 17:54:05
Topology Drag & Drop / widescreen-friendly view
Hi, I would like to see the ability to move the devices around by drag & drop within the topology view. specialy on widesscreen and with much clients open ... and also some more widescreen-friendly...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-11-23 17:32:53
Topology MAC from switch show on wrong side of EAP655-wall
Hi, in the topology view my EAP655-wall show a MAC which belongs to my (zyxel) POE switch on the wrong side of the EAP I expect it to be shown on the left "backend" side (green rectangle) not on the...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-11-22 19:06:58
RE:Monitor equipment temperature