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Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-12 15:20:51
Re:EAP 245 v3 Firmware 5.0.6
@Hank21 I also upgraded to 5.0.6 to see if the new controller changed anything, for me it did not. The problem appears on the 2.4ghz only and appears to be related to a Wyze camera, as there are only...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-09 13:56:24
Transmission Power settings vs. Specification
The EAP245 (US) has transmission power in the specs as "<27dBm". In the settings in the Linux Controller, the maximum setting is only 24dBm. Is this a controller bug? Also, on a related topic, the...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-04 14:29:22
Re:EAP 245 v3 Firmware 5.0.6
@Hank21 Is there an update on this issue? Thanks.
Forums/ Controllers
2022-06-23 15:16:20
Re:EAP 245 v3 Firmware 5.0.6
Also downgraded, reported errors/dropped also went to near zero (nearly 1000 to 20, dropped actually did go to zero).
Forums/ Controllers
2022-06-19 19:42:35
Re:EAP 245 v3 Firmware 5.0.6
@calimansi808 @Fae This seems like a bug that needs addressed by someone from TPL. TLS change, no idea. I also couldn't find the cloud setting mentioned in the notes, but I did notice the APs are no...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-06-19 14:46:43
Re:EAP 245 v3 Firmware 5.0.6
@calimansi808 FYI, I'm seeing the exact same "reporting"...2.4Ghz. Going back and checking the log to see when I applied the f/w patches, prior I had essentially zero errors and dropped reported, but...