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Forums/ WiFi
2022-06-25 20:47:58
Re:EAP670 multiple SSID issue
@Endpoint7024 Hi, I just wanted to know the type of router because for example the TL-R605 router behaves like @Philbert said. The TL-R605 router cannot handle unidirectional ACLs, the way people...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-06-25 07:24:47
Re:EAP670 multiple SSID issue
@Endpoint7024 Hi, which router and controller are you using?
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2022-06-23 09:29:58
Re:Feature Request: Reverse DNS hostname lookups for clients
EricPerl wrote Router does routing. DHCP/DNS lives somewhere else. I suspect it's always the case in larger networks. @EricPerl Hi, on this point I would like to share my thoughts and look at three...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-06-03 11:02:28
Re:Setting up wifi portal on second omada interface/ip
@Fathi_B.N. Hello, to the question if someone need omada-router: if the hotspot is only used in the WLAN, it is sufficient for the OC controller. If LAN connections are also to be operated with...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2022-06-01 13:35:39
Re:Add local DNS server to ER605
@hammer86 Hello, I would also really appreciate it, if there was finally a local dns server. As you can see in the Comment of Fae ( post...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-05-25 05:24:25
Re:Omada Controller HostName
Hi @MaxVN , the field you set, is for mailnotification. I don't know if you can set up an individual hostname (until today i hav not found a setting-field for that). But the hostname, which is...