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Forums/ Switches
2021-02-16 18:43:21
Re:【Notification】TP-Link SNMP v2/v3 template has been shared on Zabbix website.
Thanks for these templates. I have been using the "Template Net TP-LINK SNMPv2" to monitor APs in three sites I'm administering. These sites have EAP115, EAP245, EAP110 Outdoor and EAP225 Outdoor...
Forums/ Routers
2021-02-16 10:18:22
Re:IPv6 support
It is sad, that TP-Link does not give any answers about their IPv6 support.
Forums/ Routers
2021-02-16 10:16:55
TL-R605 and TL-ER7206 IPv6 support
On TL-R605 Specifications pages and on TL-ER7206 datasheet, following is written: IPv6 is being developed and will be updated in the following software versions What this means in practice i.e. what...
Forums/ Controllers
2020-11-13 09:32:25
OC200 v4.2.4 and scandinavian characters in AP names
I just upgraded my OC200 from 3.x to 4.x. Otherwise, the upgrade went well, but problem is, that I have scandinavian characters (Ä and Ö) in AP names. For example, the AP on my house first floor is...