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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-04-25 17:17:00
Re:AX50 wifi channel keeps changing.
So no one can help???!! Why is router defaulting to channel 36 after a while when I have set 52(DFS) set in advanced settings. When I turn it off or save and reboot it will go to 52 as I need but...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-04-22 14:25:32
Re:Problem with 5GHz wifi speeds. AX1500
@WhiteStar Out of ideas. I agree probably firmware problem. I know with mine on auto it will not link at fastest speed. It always chooses a non DFS channel so speed is slow. I can only get faster if...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-04-22 13:32:39
Re:Problem with 5GHz wifi speeds. AX1500
@WhiteStar I have fttp 900. Check router is using channel width 160mhz and DFS channel and MIMO enabled. Also disable any power saving on your devices. In my experience actual throughput of wifi...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-04-22 13:18:56
Re:Problem with 5GHz wifi speeds. AX1500
I posted some questions and no answers so I guess support here is poor.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-04-19 01:20:18
Re:AX50 USB3 transfer very slow
Hi, Already done that but no improvement. Regards.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-04-18 18:08:52
AX50 USB3 transfer very slow
Hi, AX50 claims to have USB3.0 enabled port but my transfer speed is very slow. 20-30 MB/S through wired 1gbps ethernet and 1.5gbps wifi. So basically USB2 speeds. Tried several usb3 hdds and usb3...