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Forums/ Routers
2020-07-01 03:34:39
TP-Link TL-ER6120 EOL???
It says this is now EOL??? I am wanting a rackmount business router with 1gb or more NAT Throughput. Guess I am confused on what to buy now?? Want one also to work with the OC200 new SDN ecosystem...
Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
2020-06-25 23:01:58
Re:CPE510 AP to AP Client issue
@ciberw0lf Hi Matt! The CPE510's are made to wifi...they are radios to create an invisible ethernet cable in between buidlings. You need 2 of these and then add a EAP245 on the other end for your...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-06-23 19:43:35
Re:Desktop/table mountable version of EAP225-Wall Access Point
@mackworth If you really like the flexhd...why don't you buy one? I really like them too and install alot of them.
Forums/ WiFi
2020-06-11 21:18:40
Re:Multiple CPE210 clients on single master EAP110
@mgmamac I am just testing TPLink hardware. I am not for sure TPLink has radios that have enough degrees of span to do PTMP depending on the span is between them?? I will PM you more info
Forums/ WiFi
2020-06-11 21:13:39
Re:Multiple CPE210 clients on single master EAP110
@mgmamac You mean 2-3 more buildings?? if yes that is a PTMP
Forums/ WiFi
2020-06-11 20:53:55
Re:Multiple CPE210 clients on single master EAP110
@mgmamac Hi, are you trying to go building to building?? PTP?