SNMP v3 not working on T2600G-28TS v2
my T2600G-28TS v2 is currently running on firmware 20170928.
I am trying to use SNMP v3 to access my switch from the network monitoring tool Observium.
I tried everything with my SNMP v3 configuration but cannot get it work. Observium always reports that there is a problem with the authentication.
When changing the configuration from SNMP v3 to SNMP v2c everything works like a charm.
I don't think that I have misconfigured the SNMP v3, because other network devices (not TP-Link switches) I have configured work well with SNMP v3.
Therefore, my questions:
- Are there any known issues with the firmware on my switch and SNMP v3?
- On your website my current firmware is the latest one mentioned for the v2 hardware. Is there any possibility to update my T2600G-28TS v2 to a newer firmware, e.g. for v3 hardware versions?
Thanks a lot in advance,