Smarth Switch whit Port VLAN?
Hi, recently am installing a net structured of vlans in a school and am using the switch t1600g-28ts.
Am using pfsense firewall like a router and the vlans are tested directly connecting the psense firewall on the pc and work that, but i want make a tag every switch port whit a diferent vlan and recive dhcp server of them.
My objetive is have not of a tag in the pc, if not in the switch.
my switch recive pfsense in port 3 and for example am want use the port 4 for the vlan with tag 100.
am reading forums and tutorials of this and this say to must I will be a register a vlan 100 in the vlan table and will assign a tag for example in my port 3(pfsense) the vlan 100 and leave like untagged the port 4, too must will be assign PVID 100 on my port 4....
But this not work, the pc can't get the vlan and less dhcp server of them, this like is if switch are blocking my vlans.
I dont know if i forget something or am loosing something, please help and thanks.