Unable to resolve conflict between router and T1700G-28TQ
I have been fighting with config settings for weeks now and could really use some help. I bought the T1700G-28TQ so I could learn from and it offered the ports I needed, but It seems to be causing conflict with the network.
Landlord has a Netgear Nighthawk AC1750 Router which I have no admin access to. Gateway
When I got the switch I couldn't access it at all without configuring my computers ipv4 settings and setting a static IP for my machine, easy enough.
In order to get the switch to play with the router I configured L3 Features->Interface-> VLAN1 edit IPv4-> IP Address Static I picked random number, just figured it would be out of the DHCP assignment range and I have about 10-15 devices so it left a little overhead.
When I first plug the router and switch together they seem to work just fine, but after a few hours everything on the switch looses internet, or has intermittent connection. It also prevents large file transfers through the router for the rest of the network.
I have 4 machines with static IP, and I have verified that none of them are in conflict with the rest of the network. But the problem really seems like address conflicting.
It's probably something simple, I haven't started studying for networking yet. Thank you in advanced.