switchport mode general / trunk / access
hello guys,
can someone help me, I know better the old fash way to confing a switch port in access or trunk mode, but for few days I move it to a tp-link sw and I want to know what is the general mode and for what is used,
as an example
I have a AP tp-link that is connected to port 2 from the switch and a pc connected from port 7 both are config in the old way
interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/2
switchport access vlan 55
interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/7
switchport access vlan 55
and don't work, but I tried to config with the general mode but becuse I don't understed the way how general mod work I avoid to let the config with general
after my long text the question is :
For what is use generalk mode and how to config the port to can access the net "