VIGI C300HP FTP or RTSP feed to remote location
Hi all,
I've been trying to forward my camera feed to my aws server but could not be able to do that, the reason behind it is 1. VIGI security manager is not made for Ubuntu/Linux/Mac OS. 2. I need to stream the video and take snapshots as per my requirement and that can be done only if I get the video stream by simply calling it by its URL. I tried it on my local windows computer it works with VIGI security manager, VLC Media Player and also my own written python script. But to forward this stream to another server I need to enable port forwarding but it makes my network vulnerable and even if I want to do that it is not working on my end. I need to know how can I access my VIGI C300HP camera on a remote server while it is connected to my LAN, can you provide me a link? How does VIGI able to do it anywhere in the world? Can I do the same? please help me.