VPN Site 2 site "Auto IPsec"
I've only ever gotten the "Auto IPsec" to work once. All attempts after that reach an error, related to can't have same IP for tunnels.
IPSec uses a background IP range for inter tunnel transmissions. Seems like OMADA uses 172.16.XXX.XXX range??. Also seems like the "Auto IPsec" is only good for 1 VPN. As if it only has one hard coded tunnel IP range. It should increment the range as new " Auto IPsec" tunnels are created.
Is it a design flaw within the OMADA software?
Honestly, I prefer manual IPsec anyway. However, I believe the auto IPSec is / has caused issues with my manual IPsec VPNs. I'm thinking some of the VPNs use the same IP tunnel range as the auto IPSec. However I can not find any papers that state the IP's used with in the auto IPSec pool. ( I don't think it even has a pool, it seems like it only uses one IP)
I use the soft Omada controller. Is there any confi (ini) files that can be edited to adjust auto IPSec usable IP ranges?