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Forums/ Switches
2021-01-07 16:35:33
Re:Need some guidance on VLAN setup
@RonNaija , thanks for these comments. Really helped me crystalize some key points in my understanding. More importantly, your comments correctly shifted my attention to settings on the ROUTER, where...
Forums/ Switches
2021-01-05 16:58:40
Re:Need some guidance on VLAN setup
I actually already think my egress table is missing some important details...
Forums/ Switches
2021-01-05 16:29:56
Re:Need some guidance on VLAN setup
@Yannie, thanks for the links. I do have the user guide and have read the relevant sections (the content of first link you posted appears verbatim in the user manual for my switch); I do not find the...
Forums/ Switches
2021-01-04 17:54:37
Need some guidance on VLAN setup
I'm working on setting up one or more VLANs to keep traffic from a subnet of camera systems isolated from the rest of my network. I'm a bit unsure of exactly what I need to do, and I'm hoping for...