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Forums/ Controllers
2021-01-30 15:37:33
Re:TL-R605 With OC200.... MAC -> IP Address reservation
@Adoril Perhaps I should also add that the clients that are not visible are all connected to switches that are connected to eth2 on two different EAP245v3.
Forums/ Controllers
2021-01-30 13:50:02
Re:TL-R605 With OC200.... MAC -> IP Address reservation
@Adoril Thank you I've found most of my clients now. The only one that doesn't show up is an easy smart switch (SG-105E), which I find odd. I understand I can't manage it with the OC200 but it is a...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-01-28 13:19:38
Re:TL-R605 With OC200.... MAC -> IP Address reservation
@Adoril I'm also trying to assign IP to clients and have found the settings you pointed out, but as far as I can tell not all network clients can be seen there. Where can I find the full list of...