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Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-20 13:29:48
Re:TL-ER7206 SFP WAN Not working and SFP LED light for fiber connection is not indicating.
I have the same problem, but do you mean that de SFP port speed is 1000 only? so if the port on the ISP is 100 than its not working? Greetings, Edwin Guliker
Forums/ Controllers
2021-11-26 11:29:03
Re:DHCP Relay on TL-R605
@haggyman I Have exact the same problem
Forums/ Controllers
2021-08-24 19:52:24
Re: [Solution] EAP235-Wall EAP230-Wall: Wireless clients connect to SSID with VLAN can't get IP address
@Fae thank you for your message, I have uploaded the correct firmware to the EAP-230 Wall and have tested the Wifi and fixed ethernet port and everything is working just fine now. Kind Regards, Edwin...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-08-13 11:58:39
Re: [Solution] EAP235-Wall EAP230-Wall: Wireless clients connect to SSID with VLAN can't get IP address
Thank you, i will update my EAP230-WALL and will test is. regards, Edwin Guliker
Forums/ Controllers
2021-08-13 11:58:36
Re: [Solution] EAP235-Wall EAP230-Wall: Wireless clients connect to SSID with VLAN can't get IP address
Thank you, i will update my EAP230-WALL and will test is. regards, Edwin Guliker
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2021-04-11 08:51:30
Re:multiple vlans on one ssid when use radius with attributes.
Reaper78 Yes that is what i mean.