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Forums/ WiFi
2024-03-12 19:42:07
Re:Unable to adopt EAP225 post firmware-upgrade
OK... Did some more digging on this, and it looks like when I migrated from controller v4.x series to v5.x, I missed a new port. Added that to my docker-compose and it seems to be working now. Thank...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-03-12 16:28:45
Re:Unable to adopt EAP225 post firmware-upgrade
Hi--thanks for response! Yes, "Back Porch" is just the name of this particular device. I have read that FAQ, but unfortunately none of the errors listed there seem to apply. If I manually try to...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-03-11 15:58:37
Unable to adopt EAP225 post firmware-upgrade
Hi all, I have an EAP225-Outdoor v1 which was running firmwarre 5.0.0. My controller version is 5.13.30 hosted in a docker container on an Ubuntu server on same network. I went to upgrade the...