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Forums/ WiFi
2021-06-29 23:49:59
Re:Yet another "My EAP245 is slow" thread
Update. It looks like the core issue was my use of iperf combined with channel selection. I updated the buffer on iperf to 100000 (k by default I think) and changed my channel to 149. Channel 149...
Forums/ WiFi
2021-06-29 22:59:39
Re:Yet another "My EAP245 is slow" thread
@Philbert Thanks for the reponse. I live in the in a very small rural community and have ran wifi explorer tools and can say that I haven't found another network at channel 36. In fact all my...
Forums/ WiFi
2021-06-29 20:07:06
Yet another "My EAP245 is slow" thread
Hello all, While I am waiting for my OC200 to arrive, I have my two EAP245s setup in stand alone mode. One on channel 36, the other 249 with seperate SSIDs. Configured to AC only, 80mhz channel...