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Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
2015-03-12 04:28:16
Re:TL-WA5210G long range PTP
Thanks for the advice. Meanwhile I meet somebody, who can give me a pair of 5g second-hand Osbridge ap-s that can do the job.
Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
2015-03-09 04:32:07
Re:TL-WA5210G long range PTP
Thank for advice! So not even a pair of CPE510 isn't capable of this with som high-gain antenna?
Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
2015-03-08 06:03:27
TL-WA5210G long range PTP
Region : Romania Model : TL-WA7210N Hardware Version : V2 Firmware Version : ISP : Hi folks! Got some question around a long range PTP project. Questions: [*]It is possible to create a 15km PTP link...