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Forums/ Routers
2015-11-21 18:11:14
To put the problem in concrete terms
The router needs about 30s to change from online to offline detection and vise versa. If the Internet connection of a WAN port changes in a shorter time interval the router gets confused and persists...
Forums/ Routers
2015-09-22 16:49:14
Re:Online Detection Failed
ande wrote Ok I understand - I think that's a case for the German support: TP-LINK Deutschland GmbH E-Mail: [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] Robert-Bosch-Straße 9, 65719...
Forums/ Routers
2015-09-22 06:53:49
Re:Online Detection Failed
ande wrote Why? If everything works, one surefire sign is that the box will be able to resolve something via Google (other other) DNS-Server. Or did I get you wrong? Maybe the unstable UMTS is the...
Forums/ Routers
2015-09-19 17:35:50
Offline detection works, Online detection does not
Firmware Version: 1.1.0 Build 20150526 Rel.71817s Hardware Version: TL-R470T+ v4.0 These are my online detection settings for my UMTS-Router Port: WAN4 Detecting: Activate Mode: Manual Ping: