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Forums/ Routers
2024-11-30 04:43:10
Re:ER605 DHCP Lease error time
@juninhodj77 I discovered that if the device is on the FIXED IP list in DHCP, it receives this BUG from the year 2161 If the device does not belong to the fixed IP list, it provides the correct...
Forums/ Routers
2024-11-30 04:31:19
Re:ER605 DHCP Lease error time
@juninhodj77 I also have version 1.0 ER605V1 (1.3.1 Build 20231207 Rel.61384) and the same thing is also happening, also without controller. ********************************************** DHCP...
Forums/ Routers
2024-11-29 15:14:11
Re:ER605 DHCP Lease error time
@juninhodj77 Router is in stand alone mode, without controller. Any device, I also tested it on a PC with Linux and the same symptom happened. I will pass the DHCP request in Wireshark...
Forums/ Routers
2024-11-28 15:52:51
ER605 DHCP Lease error time
I now realized that putting any time for IP renewal in the er605v2 is giving the concession expiry in the year 2161. Concession Obtained. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Thursday, November 28, 2024...