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Forums/ WiFi
2023-01-19 09:47:06
Re:EAP650/ EAP670/ EAP653 May Drop Some IPv6 Packets.
@s0x Another bug within their system
Forums/ WiFi
2023-01-19 09:43:16
Re:Can't get WiFi dynamic VLAN assignment to work
@JoeSea Where can you see a new firmware?
Forums/ WiFi
2023-01-19 09:42:26
Re:Can't get WiFi dynamic VLAN assignment to work
@Hank21 Any update concerning the new Firmware without bugs?
Forums/ Controllers
2023-01-19 09:39:44
Re:EAP670 v1.26 New Firmware 1.0.6 installed by Omada
@cpadil This firmware does have bugs and issues. We're all waiting for a new firmware release for 650/670 EAPs.
Forums/ WiFi
2023-01-13 20:57:39
Re:EAP620HD v1.0 (US), no new firmware for more than 1 year?
@nullV Yes. Same with other EAPs and Switches and so on. Don't know why, but it doesn't look good at all. And you can be happy to have an 620HD. EAP650, 653 and 670 have serious bugs and we're...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-01-06 17:03:36
Re:TCP Connections May Fail Between Different VLANs On The Same EAP650/ EAP670/ EAP653
@JoeSea Thx for this feedback. So let's wait and see if they can solve the issue. Hope they will have time, as they just announced new products...