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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-03-14 12:23:41
Re:mDNS Service
@R.n. I'll echo this. Unless you choose All - All - All for the three options of a gateway repeater it just doesn't work. I want to select specific services between specific VLANs as it claims I...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-04-21 09:05:18
Re:Omada Switch ACLs for established state
So I've just really started my Omada journey and have come across this issue. Well, that and the mDNS one (which I've worked around using Avahi). How is this a complete product without these...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-04-16 17:00:50
Re:What is Omada -- Switch --> Config --> VLAN Interface?
It's just occurred to me what it means - because of the options that each interface allows when you click the pencil next to it. Enabling the interface of a VLAN for the switch means the switch...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-04-16 13:33:24
Re:What is Omada -- Switch --> Config --> VLAN Interface?
@jwaltrip Just wondering if you ever figured this out. I can't find anything about this. Why can I toggle on/off VLANs? Does that disable them on the switch? Who knows.