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Forums/ Controllers
2024-01-08 02:32:53
Re:Gateway QOS
Hello @Hank21 Thank you for your reply. I've seen the user guide and I wanted to know if enabling VoIP Prioritization is enough to prioritize the Video and Voice traffic in our network. Is the Class...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-01-04 03:22:46
Gateway QOS
Hello Everyone, Good day. Can anyone help me set up or provide a guide in using the Gateway QOS in the Omada Controller? I just wanted to prioritize the Video traffic then Voice traffic and last is...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-12-14 08:51:45
Oww ok..i'll take note of that. thank you for your feedback @Somnus.
Forums/ Controllers
2022-12-13 05:25:26
Hello Everyone, Just wanted to ask if the PPSK relies on the controller? if so, if the controller goes down will the PPSK feature still work? Please enlighten me with this feature. Thank you in...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-09-13 02:53:48
Re:EAP 660 HD OFDMA + Mesh auto disconnect and cannot adopt
Thank you Virgo
Forums/ WiFi
2022-09-08 23:25:41
EAP 660 HD OFDMA + Mesh auto disconnect and cannot adopt
Hi Everyone, I've noticed that when I enable the OFDMA in our Mesh EAP660 it automatically disconnects with the root AP even though it has a good signal. Is there a firmware to resolve this bug? or...