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Forums/ Accessories
2016-11-17 04:46:35
A guide to choose good online casino
Good info here, it does baffle me why people spend £600 on there build then stick a cheap Chinese 600w PSU in it for £20 then it blows killing some of that money
Forums/ Accessories
2016-11-17 02:56:13
Install TL WN8200ND in Ubuntu
Good suggestion.Ill also try a fresh install on another Ubuntu box, and Ill also try to install via git / etc
Forums/ Accessories
2016-11-17 01:04:10
How to reset Windows 7 password with USB
I made a password reset disk with USB driver to reset the password of my Windows 10 computer currently locked due to wrong password. When I tried booting from the disk, my computer suddenly turns...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2016-11-16 04:06:44
VR600 and Bandwidth Control
Norbs was I having any pop up issues last night? I guess that is the main point of this, if I was not smooth on the server then I need to play with it. I will connect again tonight and see what it is...
Forums/ Switches
2016-11-16 02:42:05
TL SF1008P and TL POE10R
While POE injecting devices should correctly detect and enable POE only when needed; there is always a chance that a POE injector may inject power, and there is a chance it will cause damage to the...
Forums/ WiFi
2016-11-16 00:49:27
EAP 220 losing internet
Hey I dont know if I even have enough posts for it yet, but I would like to check out what you have on the internet marketing.