Requests & Suggestions
2023-10-17 12:20:10
gmaster wrote @paderijk mine is er605 v2 running in standalone mode with 2.2.0 firmware. 2.2.0? I think thats the firmware version that got pulled. It's no longer on the available firmware list.
Requests & Suggestions
2023-01-07 11:28:20
@Fae > release in the end of December. I've just enabled ipv6 and all my devices on the network just got exposed to the internet just like that. so I had to disable ipv6. We really really need this...
Requests & Suggestions
2023-01-07 11:22:24
Just wanted to add a +1 for ip6 firewall. I just bought an Omada setup and realized it has fewer features than the router it was replacing... I can still return it but really would rather see this...