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Forums/ Controllers
2023-02-26 09:09:17
Re:ER605 Disconnects
you can see it mentioned in the settings page.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-02-26 09:00:54
Re:ER605 Disconnects
@Ric04jan72 update the DHCP lease time to the max or assign static ips to your devices that should resolve the issue
Forums/ Controllers
2023-02-22 09:09:46
Re:ER605 Disconnects
the logs should mention when the DHCP lease ended and when a new lease was given out, not sure why this important thing is missing.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-02-22 04:45:33
Re:ER605 Disconnects
Hi Fae, I am using ER605 v2.0 with firmware 2.0.1 Build 20220223 Rel.68551. I do not want to use a beta firmware and introduce more issues. for now I think my solution is to set the DHCP lease time...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-02-21 16:36:24
Re:ER605 Disconnects
To the TP link support/engineers. I think I know what the issue is, when DHCP lease time ends, it doesn't hand out new addresses which is the cause for the disconnects I believe, when the lease...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-02-21 06:54:56
Re:ER605 Disconnects
I am new to networking and a home user, since I have two ISP a friend suggested me this router but this has been nothing but pain from the start, i've wasted 2 days trying to figure things out...