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Forums/ Switches
2023-03-21 06:13:17
Re:No arp reply from L3 interface
@alimdi The switch is not responding to the ARP request from the Linux server due to a misconfiguration. Try double-checking the settings of both the switch interface and the Linux server's virtual...
Forums/ Switches
2023-03-21 06:09:42
Re:Is it possible to get the IP address of a connected device?
@scilek Yes, it is possible to get the IP address of a connected device. You can either use the command line tool "ipconfig" on Windows, or "ifconfig" on macOS/Linux to find the IP address of the...
Forums/ Switches
2023-03-21 06:05:10
Re:Blocking Bittorrent
@RickJamesBish If you're looking to block bittorrent activity on your network, you can try using Omada's built-in QoS (Quality of Service) feature. This will allow you to prioritize traffic on your...
Forums/ Switches
2023-03-21 05:56:05
Re:Problem with vlan.
@lincolnt It sounds like you're having problems with your vlan configuration. I suggest double-checking your settings and making sure all devices are properly connected. If the problem persists, try...