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Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-20 14:42:42
Re:Wireguard Walkthrough
Update: this stopped working for me. The fix includes adding the following lines into the interface section of the client. PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-06-22 20:18:50
Wireguard Walkthrough
Couldn't make OpenVPN operate with my desired restrictions in place (likely an user error), so dove into Wireguard. The supporting help docs are garbage to the uninitiated. Have pasted my personal...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-06-19 15:25:46
Re:Omada mDNS Repeater + Chromecast
@nRayAffair - sorry, no, I'm a networking hack at best. Unsure of what's happening behind the scenes. I read the help balloon and interpreted its wording as "will start routing Multicast service IDs...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-06-15 19:34:00
OpenVPN clients not adopting local network ACLs
Omada software controller on Docker Container - FW 5.9.31 ER7206 v1.0 FW 1.3.0 About to launch some MVP/prototype products which rely upon VPN for data dumping. Created a VLAN for isolation as these...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-06-15 15:30:13
Re:Omada mDNS Repeater + Chromecast
Wanted to follow-up as this thread helped me get started. I had the same issue as @Domada. You have to enable 'Multicast Filtering' and 'Filtering Protocols: Mdns' under the service's network WLAN...