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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-09-14 08:52:22
RE:ER7212PC - Missing Wireguard and Certificate + Account mode for OpenVPN
@Clive_A Hi, We are very disappointed!! This model is just one year on the market and now you're telling us it's just a cheap model with poor hardware?! If I knew this before, I had never bought this...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-09-07 08:22:02
RE:ER7212PC - Missing Wireguard and Certificate + Account mode for OpenVPN
We need Wireguard with our ER7212PC device asap. OpenVPN is too slow. I installed the latest firmware v1_1.1.0 last week, but no Wireguard support. A lot of other routers (for example Asus) do...