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Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-16 11:23:47
Re:Multiple Wifi SSID/Multiple VLAN´s
Hey all! thank you for all the inputs! helped a lot!
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-11 13:58:16
Re:Multiple Wifi SSID/Multiple VLAN´s
@muzicman0 The only part that I didn´t get is why the need of a switch. Thank you!
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-10 22:24:05
Multiple Wifi SSID/Multiple VLAN´s
I= would like to improve the home network, I want to separate it into VLAN's. I see that I need the following hardware items: - 1 controller (oc 200) - 1 router (er 605) - 1 manageable switch...