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Forums/ Routers
2024-04-26 13:59:06
Re:Can't get Wireguard working propperly
@Clive_A So. Good news everyone! I kinda solved my problem. As you suggested, I started to create a detailed network map of my (my customers) network. I inspected every Port, every connection, every...
Forums/ Routers
2024-04-23 12:36:50
Re:Can't get Wireguard working propperly
@Clive_A Strange, right? I will create a map and report back.
Forums/ Routers
2024-04-23 07:42:00
Re:Can't get Wireguard working propperly
@Clive_A Thank you for your reply. I already followed earlier that guide, that you mentioned. how ever. I just sat the Interface IP on the WG ER7206 to an unoccupied IP on my subnet in the vlan 8:...
Forums/ Routers
2024-04-22 14:52:43
Can't get Wireguard working propperly
Hallo everyone, I am trying to configure Wireguard for quite some time now and won't work es expected. 1st of all Devices: OC200 Controller version 5.12.9 ER7206 v1.0 // v1.4.0 TL-SG3428XMP v1.0 //...