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Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-15 11:09:17
Re:Port Schedule Unstable
@Fae Thank you for the reply. My OC200 version is one, and the switch still shows as connected. Time zone could not be an issue here. I set my time to fetch externally to an NTP server since there is...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-14 16:49:47
Port Schedule Unstable
Hey everyone, Initially, I didn't make any complex configurations to the OC200. I started with 2 EAPs and recently added 2 more. Just three days ago, I introduced port scheduling (POE schedule) to...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-05-06 20:09:35
Re:portal/ voucher pause time features request.
I came here to vote! This is a really good experience for us Omada users and our voucher users. It's so annoying that they asked this question after using our hotspot for the first time. Later, they...